Wednesday, April 27, 2011

i've been having problems with Olive's teeth... the enamel is worn down on her top 4 teeth. I've read that it can be caused by nighttime breastfeeding, which she does all the time still, but other sources say that breastfeeding is actually good for teeth. I'm not sure about that, but I did read Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel, and it was a real eye opener for me. It bases its diet strategy on Weston Price's studies, which focus on the decline of dental health with the introduction of a western diet in "primitive" people. I can see how this diet would be the cause of Olive's tooth decay. Everyone told me to start her off on solid foods with fruit and oatmeal and rice, but the book says this stuff should be fed minimally. So, we've been eating bone broth, animal organs, yellow organic butter and the like. More protein, minimal grain and sweets. Also, with the new diet, I bought her some high vitamin butter oil and fermented cod liver oil, but I have no idea how to give it to her. Today when I tried for the first time, she actually gagged so much that she threw it up! If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! My friend Nina recommended adding it to honey, which I might do, or I was thinking of adding it to a fruit smoothie for breakfast every morning. Olive would love that.

I hope that her new diet helps with her teeth, because I know if I took her to a dentist, she'd have to be put under anesthesia to be even looked at. I'll probably take her when she's a little older and understands what its for, but for now, we'll be trying to help it naturally through her food.